Study Action Groups, Winter 2012
“Washburn in Transition with the Alliance for Sustainability”
Time: Wednesday, Feb. 15@ 6:30 pm
Location: Washburn Library, Geenwood Room
Group facilitator: Irene Blakely [email protected] 715-373-2907
Background: Last year, this group read and discussed "The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience" by Rob Hopkins. With the help of the library director and board, they established a shelf of library materials with sustainability themes. They are reforming as the "Washburn in Transition with the Alliance for Sustainability" group which will meet for the first time on Feb. 15 at 6:30 pm. They will consider a new book (“The Transition Timeline for a Local Resilient Future” by Shaun Chamberlin is one suggestion), and will decide at the first meeting when and where to continue meeting.
“Sustainability in Agriculture:
Building a Stronger Local Food Network”
Time: Wednesday, Feb. 15@ 6:30 pm
Location:Mary Rehwald’s home (715 Ellis Avenue in Ashland)
Group facilitator: Mary Rehwald, [email protected] 715-682-4662
Background: At this first meeting the group will determine time, # of times we want to meet, and if we need to set up more than one group or not (12 is recommended maximum) especially if there are interested participants live in different communities. We will start off with a fascinating book: The Town that Was Saved by Food by Tom Hewitt – a book that is strongly recommended by Clare Hintz. Please obtain this book and read the first 100 pages by February 22, the second meeting.
“Sustainability in Community Development,
Human Ecology & Sustainability”
Time: Wednesday, Feb. 15@ 6:30 pm
Location: Magge Ericson’s home at 615 Prentice, Ashland
Group facilitator: Magge Ericson, [email protected], 715-209-2227 or 682-2227
Background: Join this group to study the interactions and balance of the three topics. Group will use Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development by Gerald G. Marten, a book that is printed online at If questions, please call. Syllabus is available at Feb. 9 meeting.
“Sustainability in Local Economy”
Time: Please contact Linda or Ed Calhan ,[email protected] at 715-682-0446
Location: Group will meet on or near Northland College.
Group facilitator: Ed Calhan
“Sustainability in Education”
Time: Thursday, March 8th @7:00pm.
Location: Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute at Northland College.
Group facilitator: Andrew Van Gorp, [email protected] at 1-630-880-7709
Background: With a final goal of reshaping the way this region does Sustainability Education, it has to be good! Come along as we plan our next move of collaboration with local parents, school boards, pedagogy experts, teachers, and students. It's going to be one heck of a ride!
All Groups are open. Do you want to set up a group and recruit members to your community? Please call Mary Rehwald at 715-682-4662 to set up another group.