Thanks for your interest in joining our 2017 Pie & Politics Event...
During the second half of our show, we will give two-minutes to as many local non-profits as time affords - to share what you do, who you serve, and where you need help. This is not an opportunity to ask people for money, but to rather ask for their time to help increase your impact. This might include volunteering for an event, joining a letter-writing campaign, attending an upcoming program, or even taking an action at their own homes (such as surveying their bird feeder activity) that supports your work.
While we are excited by the work of all area non-profits, we are focusing the opportunity to participate in Pie & Politics on those non-religious organizations that meet at least 5 out of the 8 criteria on the application. You can complete the online application below or download and mail your application to: Alliance for Sustainability, P.O. Box 141, Ashland, WI 54806. For questions contact Christine Kelly at [email protected]
While we are excited by the work of all area non-profits, we are focusing the opportunity to participate in Pie & Politics on those non-religious organizations that meet at least 5 out of the 8 criteria on the application. You can complete the online application below or download and mail your application to: Alliance for Sustainability, P.O. Box 141, Ashland, WI 54806. For questions contact Christine Kelly at [email protected]
The application deadline is June 12th.
Even if you are not selected to join us on stage, you invited to host a booth at the event free of charge. (If you are not interested in being on stage but would still like a booth at Pie & Politics, we ask that you also fill out an application.) The contact information of all participating non-profits will also be included in our program so people can reach you after the event as well.